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Transporting us forward
A new bridge, a new tunnel, expansions to the LRT and airport – and much more besides. Macao’s transport infrastructure projects will transform the city’s roads over the coming years.
The foreign legion
Meet eight individuals who have moved to Macao from lands afar, each one performing a job that’s unique, skilled and fascinating. Celebrate our professionals from overseas.
Written in the stars
Tania de Sales Marques has always been fascinated with space – and now the scientist from Macao has carved out a career at one of the most famous places for astronomy in the world.
Virus special: Macao and COVID-19
All you need to know about Macao’s courage in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic and how the city’s government and its people have pulled together to battle the virus’ spread.
From the Editor: Macao’s courage, determination and strength
Here’s a note from Gonçalo César de Sá, Macao Magazine’s Editor‑in‑Chief, for the March issue.
At all costs
Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng announces a number of new measures concerning entry into the city as of 31 March.
Macao the brave
Since Macao’s first COVID-19 case was announced in January, the city’s government and people have pulled together and shown courage in the face of a crisis. While the pandemic may not yet be over in the territory, we create a picture of what it’s been like in Macao over the past two months.