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Macao entrepreneur gives new life to Portuguese vineyard
Wu Zhiwei’s decision to invest in Portugal by purchasing Quinta da Marmeleira in 2016 looks to be a very safe bet. This year, the first wine from its vineyards will be placed on the market and will soon be available to Macao consumers.

Greater Bay Area, a priority for Macao’s future
The Greater Bay Area is one of the 19 planned city clusters. Of these, the GBA, the Yangtze River Economic Belt in the east and the Beijing‐Tianjin‐Hebei area in the north, are undergoing the most developments.
Tale of two cities: from farmland to tech mecca
From 2010 to 2015, Shenzhen’s GDP grew at a rate of 79 per cent. This year, Shenzhen’s GDP is expected to reach US$350 billion, surpassing the projected US$345 billion GDP of neighbouring Hong Kong.

The water solution
Three years after the central government authorised Macao to manage 85 sq km of waters, the Medium‑to‑long‑term Plan for Usage and Development of the Waters of the Macao Special Administrative Region (2016–2036) was formulated in August 2018.

Macao opens new paths to China’s future
Imagine: a chip that harnesses energy from thin air, another that uses body motion and temperature to recharge itself, or a third that allows energy transfer among different devices wirelessly. Researchers at the State Key Lab from the University of Macau are making this a reality. Their work may prove pivotal in China’s bid to challenge the technological superiority of the United States.

Higher education blossoms in Macao
As the number of institutions in Macao has rapidly increased, so has the quality of educational services as the universities respond to the demands of a fiercely competitive environment.

Solving solid waste management in Macao
The government intends to support the development of an integrated organic waste valorisation strategy for Macao, by reviewing Macao’s existing waste recycling programme.
Rediscovering Chinese ceramics
Archaeologists have unearthed pottery in Shiwan dating back over 5,000 years, as well as pieces produced under the Tang (618–626 AD) and Song (960–1279 AD) dynasties, most for daily household use.

Ten years of Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries in Macao
This October, Macao will host the 10th edition of the Cultural Week of China and Portuguese‑Speaking Countries, organised by Forum Macao.

Precious record of Macao’s history goes on show
Over 100 documents of the Chapas Sínicas offer a window into many aspects of Qing‐era Macao.